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Avatar sejak: 2006-05-12
Umur: 1019
Amerika Serikat - OH
Terakhir masuk:

"Hi. You can't see my underwear."

Lihat Album Ku (2)

About me:

Ok, well.. for starters, my name's Hannah.

I'm in marching band. yay bandos.
I have really good friends, the best you could wish for
I love DDR. I'd play it all day if I could.
I'm sorta a geek.. I've accepted that. lmao.
I wouldn't consider myself popular.. but I'm friends with the majority of the people.
I get along with pretty much anyone.
I'm not tryin' to be a clone of someone. I'm my own INDIVIDUAL person. I follow myself.
I'm a leader.
I'm the kid who acts out.
I stand out. I don't see a lot of people who act the way I do.
I'll do random things at random times.
I have a tendency to smash things and not realize it.
Whatever I do isn't good enough for my mom.
I have to use glasses, but I don't really use them much anymore.
I'm a virgin --- So that should rule out the name calling of slut, whore, crack whore etc.
I'm not afraid to say who I am or what I think.
President bush sucks.
I hate when people "TyPe lYkE DiiS"
I hate when people write with two I's.
I'm sick of people telling me what to do.
don't label me.
I am Haphephobic.
I am also Xenophobic.
I have a hard time following directions.
Consider me a bad kid, I don't care.
I like a lot of bands people don't know about.
I am who I am.. no one can change me except for me. Don't try.
IM me at homicidalpie
My email is homicidalmime@yahoo.com.
I love coffee...


Who I'd like to meet:
Jake Gyllenhaal
Heath Ledger
Jeff Dunham
Ron White
Larry The Cable Guy
Will Smith
Michael McDonald
Nicole Sullivan
Oh yeah,
I have the cheese if you have the money.

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