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Avatar sejak: 2006-02-17
Age: 33
Amerika Serikat
Terakhir masuk:

"hey humans"

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HEy guys and girls. what's up, my name is Iryna. Ukrainian girl. Well im a funn person i like to talk and enjoy being nice!!! =] well if you would like to talk to me I have manyyyyyy sites!!! well you name it. I have Odnoklasniki, Vkontakte, mailRu, facebook, and so on.... =] Well I don't go on this site that much, so dont expect me to answer you quickly. Give me time. But if you send me a massage as soon as i go online! promise. LOve all of you guys!!! Kisses!!! <3
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HE is the one you can always talk to and listen to his wise words. He is once of the most amazing friends you can have he had never said anything wong and his children should be happy to have that special kind of father.
My amazingly nice brother. He is helpful, smart, i think romantic =]]] He is a great friend to have! So girls.... ;)
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SE Green VelvetCeltic/Bandstar club[ACS] SUPERB DANCE CLUB(Ð) White Vintage Coat
~AC~BlackViola French[GB] Pink satin bundle*Blonde gwen[V4NY] Emily S-VN #2~*MB-BlackWithLight*~
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