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Avatar sejak: 2006-07-29
Umur: 31
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"*Insert witty greeting here*"

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Click Here to get this from FreeFlashToys.com! Alreeet? :) I'll be perfectly honest, i realised about ohhh.... a year and a half ago, that IMVU genuinely sucks ;D I'm just on here updating this at the moment because I'm bored ;D So after this I will most likely never be on here ever again, so if you wanna know the REAL me, and not some virtual avatar, feel free to add me on my myspace, which IS.... www.myspace.com/eliciastar I look forward to chatting with yas ;D
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Visit Enchantedglitters.com Your Ultimate Graphics 

Source! Well, this is stuff i would wish for if i found a pixelated wishing star =D Now, don't think you need to get me these ^.^ the reason they're there is so I can buy them! ^.* Page copy protected against web site content infringement by Copyscape
(Ð) Rainbow Baby ~ Bootsspacerspacerspacerspacer
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