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Avatar sejak: 2007-11-26
Umur: 58
Amerika Serikat - AL
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"That\'s it pal, you just Fucked with the WRONG Egyptian!"

Lihat Album Ku (3)

After over 5000 years i have finally awoken...I must say this land is much different then what i am used to but since i am here i might as well enjoy it Photobucket

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I made this music player at MyFlashFetish.com.
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Dark Knight Desk
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Te'shunai ta nehm my beloved. You are my everything.
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Under the Eye of Horus (Ancient Egypt RP)

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Ancient Egypt

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Touchable Temptations

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Daftar Keinginanku
Kaiba TopBlue Eyes White DragonKaiba's BeltESC:AG~Cv2-FathersGloryJL -  Gold Throne
Dragon Twin ThroneSolid Gold throneKaiba Armband (Left)Armor Of Anubis [White]Briefs Of Anubis [White]
Armor Of Anubis [Red]{A}Here dictate me!Kaiba Bottoms*T* Snuggle Cple Posespacer
