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I Have No Limitations.
Status Hubungan: Menikah
Hey everyone, you can call me joy cause that is my name XD, Thanx for visiting me. I come on often so feel free to send an IM. I'd luv to chat with you.<3 About Here's a little bit about me ^.^* Name:Trinity DOB:May,15,1991 Age:16 Favorite Color(s):pink,Black,Red Ethnicity: Of Italian and Swedish decent Hair Color: Blonde Eye color: Blue Favorite food:PIZZA! Pets:kitten, two turtles siblings:2 evil older sisters XD, little bro religion: Christianity (But I do support that hypocritical??) Dreams: to become a writer, and or famous doctor Things you hate:Mean people, steak,dirty nails, annoying ppl, terrible books, stereotypes,red punch, people who criticize a little to much >.< Wishes: I wish the the world could be a better place. attitude today: Great Words of wisdom: Dreams are your life.
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