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Avatar sejak: 2006-04-02
Age: 40 Terverifikasi umur 18+ Usia Terverifikasi
Amerika Serikat
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Status Hubungan: Sendiri
Mencari: Pertemanan
About me:
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Check out My Webpage: www.geocities.com/thankinmystars

Im a country girl who got stuck in the city and rectified that when I went to college. Family, friends, and animals are my life. I love stargazing and walking in the rain/snow, what can I say I love nature. I love to go camping (even though its been awhile), to go for motorcycle rides (as a passenger), fishing (I'll even bait my own hook), get lost in the woods (and find my way back), and get down and dirty in the mud just for the hell of it (then take a hot showers). Im a simple girl who LOVES meeting new people even though I may be a little shy at first.
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[T] PINK Plaid[T] RED Plaid[T] PURPLE Plaid[T] BLUE PlaidF.K Midnite Bungalow
[ACS] MASTER VILLA[ACS] PRIVATE PALACE 1Japan Eiga highrisepurple oriental bangalow[SD] R- Roses!! (|_|)
TC~Vampiress DelightBlueBathory Hikari M/FMythril BootsElven Mythril Dress[Yuu]Happy Happy Home
~*Rapture Bundle*~[Au] Tropical Bundlespacerspacerspacer
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