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Avatar sejak: 2006-08-10
Umur: 36
Amerika Serikat
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"Right so... to say something interes....Ooo! Look... a dragonfly!! *scampers off after it*"

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Your aura shines Yellow!
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Please leave me a message if you need to speak with me, I have not been able to get onto the actual chat system in a while, life occurs. If you leave me a private message i will get back to you pretty quick *winks* A little about me... not sure what to say... My loyalties, life, and love all belong to my Master and mate. He has kept me from the darkness that threatens me everyday, and I am proud that I may do the same for him. He, my Brother, his mate and I are beginning a business of sorts on Secondlife... If you think you may have any interest in more information or assisting us.. please.. privately message me or send me a direct invitation to chat... If you have any other questions you may leave a message or if I am on send an invite.. I will answer as I can.. do not be offended of the offer times out.. all declines will get a reason as to why if it must be done.
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You scored as Faerie. Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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There are times that you just have to stand back in awe at Nature, the Gods and the Goddess... And baby.. you are one of those times.. How could I be so blessed to have all those forces combine together and create you only for me? I must have done something right, and if I figure out what it is... I fully intend to keep doing it to keep you in my life. You are my everything and my only... Through the good and the bad, the greatest force..."US".. shall remain standing tall and umblemished.
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