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Avatar sejak: 2007-09-01
Age: 41
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"The death of one is a tragedy, the death of a million is just a statistic."

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Das Schreien

Juengst schlich ich meinem Maedchen nach,
Und ohne Hindernis
Umfasst ich sie im Hain; sie sprach:
Lass mich, ich schrei gewiss!

Da droht ich trotzig: Ha, ich will
Den toeten, der uns stoert!
Still, winkt sie lispelnd, Liebster, still,
Damit dich niemand hoert!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

(English translation of
"Das Schreien")

Recently, I stalked my girl,
without hindrance
I embraced her at the grove; she spoke:
Release me, I certainly scream!!

I threatened defiantly: Ha, I will
kill the one, disturbing us!
Silence, she becons lispling, darling, silence,
that nobody hears you!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Mysterious and a scholar, you are a member of the Tremere clan. You are pretty loyal to your clan, well, you sort of have to...especially since you are blood-bonded to most of them. You are the intelligentsia of the Camarilla and are fascinated with the occult. Possessing the ability to use blood for magic, many clans don't like to approach you. However, that is fine with you. You tend not to trust the other clans anyway.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

What type of vampire are you?

The Refined Vampire
Take this quiz!

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You scored as Tremere, You belong to the Tremere bloodline, the sorcerors of the vampire underworld. The Tremere command a terrible power over the blood of others. Many Tremere could pop a human being like a pimple with a wave of their hand. For this reason, many other vampires are wary around these cold, remorseless kin. All their time spent studying, however, has left them severely lacking in the physical department















What vampire clan do you belong to?
created with QuizFarm.com

I usually dislike the following two kind of quiz types but they made me laugh.

Your Inner Vampire
First name
Shade of black
Favorite type of music
Type of chocolate
Your inner vampire dislikes all other vampires and is highly territorial--it wouldn't think twice about killing one of its kindred
Its voice is like hot silk
It is dormant because its last host was mortally wounded and thus it is wounded as well and healing
Its teeth drip a tantalizing drug that lulls its victims into a state of ecstasy
Bloodlust - 65%
This fun quiz by catzoid - Taken 3812 Times.
Easy Money from Home! Get your share!
How to make a Holger
1 part pride
5 parts courage
1 part energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little lustfulness if desired!
go, writing, vampire, Art, music, romance, gothic, rpg, Mystic, philosophy, History, Classic, medieval, Myth, poems, industrial, Badduk
My Recent Visitors (0)
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Orang spesial
sorvano tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.


To take, to qonquer is the attempt
white innocence and crimson wine
you can neither aquire nor reach
the rose wants to grow and bloom
driven like the snow, floating
blood knows the path of faithfulness
you can only win the tender flower
I can only give, place it into your hands

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Die ihr Felsen und Baeume bewohnt, oh heilsame Nymphen,
Gebet jeglichem gern, was er im Stillen begehrt!
Schaffet dem Traurigen Trost, dem Zweifelhaften Belehrung,
Und dem Liebenden goennt, dass ihm begegne sein Glueck.
Denn euch gaben die Goetter, was sie den Menschen versagten:
Jeglichem, der euch vertraut, troestlich und huelfreich zu sein.

J. W. v. Goethe

(English translation of "Einsamkeit")

You, dwelling in rock and tree, oh wholesome nymphes,
gladly give to those, what they desire in silence!
Spend comfort to the sad, advice to the doubtful,
and grant to the loving, that he meets his luck.
Because the gods gave you, what they refused to humankind:
To be comfortable and helpful to everybody, trusting you.

J. W. v. Goethe

I started several online projects. One of them is about internet marketing. A great service is known as search engine optimization Sorvano
Hubungi saya
I can not decide to curse about quiz types or to enjoy them. They are hardly a surprise, seeing following result of a random test.

What Group Are You? What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Goth

Your A Goth!





Rocker, Mosher






Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev



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