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Avatar sejak: 2006-08-09
Umur: 31
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"just relax."

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Testriffic IQ test
What kind of Dragon are you?
Blue Dragon

You are skittish and possesive. You have a quick and short temper, and like to hold grudges. When you have something you want and someone else wants it to, you would probobly never give it up for the world.

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What kind of Friend are You?

You are to find...possibly one in a lifetime...

What ability should you have?
Ability to Fly

You like to escape the everyday cares and worries of the world. Extremely optimistic you find the brighter side in every situation or in every person. Everyone seems to get along with you and no one would ever go behind your back because they know that you have great allies. :o)

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What is Your Magic Type?

You are a Sidhe-friend. You are drawn to wild spaces and the energy of nature around you. You are passionate, mysterious, dangeroud, un-touchable. At times you may find yourself able to complete another person\'s thought before they have. You are empathic, unstable, and not of this world. The reality in your head is more real to you than the \'real\' world, oft-times. You may have a habit of talking to yourself or the \'voices in your head\'. You have the ability to reach within yourself and become what is needed at that given time.

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What element are you?

You \"go with the flow\"... similar to air,you are a free \"floating\" person

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What Stone/Crystal are you?

Snowflake Obsidian is the stone of purity. It balances mind body and spirit, and is good for body aches. It\'s dark, beautiful, and mysterious, (like you) with white \"snowflakes\" on it~

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