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Welcome to my lovely page!

Hello, I'm Lizzie.. I'm 22 years old and I suppose I should probably tell you about my self!

Well, my character is a furry :3 If you haven't guessed that much? I'm an aspiring photographer. But at the moment I'm just working as a barista *Which I love to do for the most part! I love to roleplay (as in writing out story's with others not like dirty or anything) I can be random and I guess possibly obnoxious but that's just me! I think I've improved a lot about my spelling and grammar, Oddly seance I've started Imvu many years ago. Seven to be exact! I do still talk to my best friend Lola that I met off here from time to time, We're even snap chat buddy's! xD and I am truly excited to meet her one day it may be a ways down the road but I still think it's going to happen! (I think I'll add more later to the list just not right now enjoy what I have for the moment)

Special Someone


My love is my life <3 and I don't know what I would do with out him to be honest, we've been together for 3 1/2 years now, and to be completely honest? I've never felt more happy with anyone else. He gets me like no one else does and can really make me laugh. I didn't meet him on imvu (just to be clear) this guy I want to spend the rest of my life with his crazy quirks and all. Who would have ever guessed I would be with someone like this several years ago? I feel like in my own seance I was a slut and I didn't have any reality checks what so ever, then I met Chris through a friend and seance then I don't even know life was different for me some how. I love you Chris thank you for being mine <3

Welcome to my page!

Avatar Name: PeekabooiceyouxD

Real Name: Lizzie

Age: 22

Relationship Status: Taken

Looking For: Always friends!

From: The northwest of the united states

Favorite color: Lavender

Favorite emoji face: >:O

Welcome to my page enjoy my sillyness, have some tea, laugh a little, Cry a little, make a memory or two, just don't sit on my chair... its My chair....
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