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Avatar sejak: 2007-01-29
Umur: 38
Amerika Serikat - MO
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"I drink to my annihilation."

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I'm a foutain of blood in the shape of a girl.

I enjoy spinning fire, drinking away my braincells, causing mischeif, and pretending to be a photographer to pick up chicks. I live your average ho-hum life in middle America, working retail and dreaming of adventure. I tend to get lost in books quite often - mostly memiors, historial fiction, and zombie novels. I'm a firm supporter of outdated slang, asking someone if the "dig" is waaaay cooler than asking if they understand. I have the overwhelming need to write down every small quirk, minute detail, and random fact about what makes me me in a desperate attempt to give the random stranger an idea of me, the person, as a whole. It never works and I usually end up feeling self-absorbed.

I'll write more when I remember what I was going to say D:

Trendkill Network & Gunshy.org & Myspace

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My wish list is more or less just a shopping list for myself, but if you'd like to gift me something, more power to ya. Actually, that'd be really, really nice. :)

[LD] Weeping Lace Lolita*L™ Mistletoe 010TR - Black St George[D™ Mango Lick$Trip Zombie - SORE
Bondage Slave ChokerBound Cenobite GownSYN-PVC-NaughtyNun[D™ Infekted EyesBone Sleeves
[Foxi]Grey Lolita Skirt2 Tone Eye Siamese Cat2 Tone Eye Siamese CatNeo-Siamese Catspacer

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