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Avatar sejak: 2007-03-26
Amerika Serikat - TX
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"OFFSET - Red Room"

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Video ku
Arcana - Innocent Child lyrics

My sweet innocent child
How can I explain
How I hear the nature cry
For mercy

How the greed and the power
Sets the rules for you and me
Why we destroy and torture
Out of greed

I wish I could give you
Something else
I wish I could give you
Something else

Song lyrics | Innocent Child lyrics
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What kind of Angel are you??(PICS)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as You are an Angel of Pain

You are the Angel of Sadness. You have been hurt many times in your lifetime, if you could call it that. You are in an almost constant state of depression because of the hurt. You fell in love and they were either taken from you or chose another instead!

You are an Angel of Pain


You are half Fallen/ half Light Angel!


Angel of Light


You are an Angel of Beauty


You are an innocent Angel

If u visit my page,please leave at least a hello. If u visit my page and see me online,don't invite me to chat,if all u want to do is cyber. For I don't do that for every tom,dick or harry that comes along. Now if I know u for awhile,u might get lucky,and i'll amuse u with a rp/cyber play,but only if i'm in the mood for it.
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She is more a special friend,then special someone.

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