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Avatar sejak: 2005-07-08
Umur: 32
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"hey there ^_^"

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hey there ^_^
i'm a new developer , working on my products all the time (lol , still looking for money for uploads!)

stop by and say hey ^_^ , start an IM chat if u want (if i don't answer leave a message)
and if u got some requests i'd like to get them , i'm looking for things to develope , so send me a message or a PM.
any opinions about my products or my page? let me know!

also-looking for a job-HTML/PhotoShop/Advertising/etc.
so let me know if u have one to offer!

oh and one more thing:
i am not looking for a virtual bf
i think the virtual bf-gf thing is dumb, but that's just my opinion ,please don't take it presonally.
anyway-plz don't ask me if i'm single/looking for one/or what so ever.

click on the banner to get to my shop

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All Requests Done ATM.

feel free to request any time!
want to request? send me a private message with the request!
anime, music, manga, taurus, Japan, Developing, Israel
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ELVEN Sourplum FairyNite RideFerris WheelCoffee Table 2 (medium)Double Window (umber)
Dresser Style1 (medium bCouch Euro (green plaid)Chair Relaxed (green plaRug Circular (yin yang)TV Stand Style1-medium
Television Style1Medieval Four Post BedTudor Inn - BedroomTudor TavernWelcome Beauty Salon
Avaricious JacketFallen Angel Tartan PantsCell Phone v1spacerspacer
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friendly Teman 2
visitors Pengunjung 1364
kharma Hadiah 14
generosity kedermawanan 44

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