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Hi all!
Here's a little something about me:
I'm quite a nice person most of the time.. a little bitchy sometimes ;)
I love to sing and make music in general.
I'm always interested in meeting other people. Unfortunately, I've had many useless conversations lately. That's why I came up with a few ground rules for contacting me:
1. You're smart and know how to hold on a conversation.
2. You know how to talk about something else than hobbies.
3. You have a good sense of humour and can appreciate sarcasm.
4. To chat with me, you have to be over 18.
If I haven't scared you with these rules, please feel free to contact me!
She has multiple special someones. They all have their own characteristics and are all special in their own way.
Imken This girl is the best there is! On imvu and
in real life. She's someone I can always count on and she makes me laugh a lot. Friends
Edelsteentje Edelsteentje is one of the sweetest people I know. I can share
with her almost everything. We laugh together and cry together. I'm just happy to have her
in my life!
Nyarna Nyarna is
something special :p Even though she nags at me a lot for not being able to find poses and
for just being me, I really like her! :p She's really just a very sweet
girl! And thanks to her my page looks this good! Thank you sweetie!
Daisythedutch This nice girl is always there for me when I need a
listening ear. I hope I can return the favour one day! Love having fun with you