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Avatar sejak: 2006-09-16
Age: 35
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"Will you just watch her walk away?"

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Status Hubungan: Sendiri
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[n3] Demonika: Toxicspacerspacerspacerspacer
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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics :..Junk..About..Me..: Ello XD whats happen everyone haha :P well im going to tell you a lil bit junk about me im a 20 from iL as you can see hehe and i love fox wolfs hehe i have a baby fox at my home that sooo awesome i Love outdoorys stuff taking walks and the reason why im not on hardly is because i work hard or im out walking/biking haha well yea thats pretty much it spanks for vist my page hope u love it Chow Love ~F.B~
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