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Avatar sejak: 2006-11-09
Umur: 36
Amerika Serikat - NE
Terakhir masuk:

"sorry ppl want be on much on imvu u can talk to me on msn or level a message on my hp"

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i dont bite and if i bite u wouldnt know about it.
RULE 1 no chain mail you will be feed to me!
RULE 2 Im taken so that means no nothing i will talk to u thats it!!!
RULE 3 u dont like the way i dress i dont care im not changing for u
RULE 4 little kids (1-17) im sorry to say it but get off my thing know or ill bite u!!! Have a nice day.
im hungry i wonder if i have some blood here some were HEHEHE!

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friendly Teman 7
visitors Pengunjung 284
kharma Hadiah 9
generosity kedermawanan 1

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-The DarkSide-

381 posting dari 194 anggota
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hey everyone im a girl so i have a lot on here well my b-day is coming up and u can make this girl really happy is u got her something. i like blood, black, green, blood, and gothic stuff!
ELVEN Neon TrampELVEN My ToreadorRed Lace Cushion Bench[S] Vampire Room LVampire Lust-Exotic Tent
{D2F}VampMansion V2TC~ Vampire NightClubBushido Nitouryu Sword F* Harp / Canon in DFleur Impériale Bed
* The Bloodsucker MiniA Bouquet Of Red RosesDelirium en RougeDark Victorian Rug (DC)DI LV Big Top
*  Cello / BeethovenELVEN Dear WinterELVEN Mysteria BundleGinger Vamp Top-Violetspacer
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ok all visitors plz report to the blood room!!! hey is you are just here to look fine but dont hit me up im broke to look at my wish list! but plz leave a message i dont mind i will try to respond back as soon as i can!!!

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