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Avatar since: 24/01/2007

Age: 31
United States - FL
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Cant get like me
Status Hubungan: Lajang
Ey diz ya nigga Josh juz here ta lay down sum rules 1.dont give me ya shiit i aint gonna take it askin me 4 giftz ya beggerz chain messages cuz ill report ya azz 4real 4.and no guy cum on my page and say sum shit bout wat i did 2 ya gurl cuz u juz hatin dat she got me lol

My Answers to Survey Relationship Survey

Valencia925's words about me 1 - How long have you been with your current bf/gf? we arent together no more
2 - Are you in love with them? yes
3 - Do you think they are the one? maybe.
4 - Do they show you that they love you? yes.
5 - If so, how? he tells me ;)
6 - Do you guys fight alot? no.
7 - Whats the worst fight youve gotten in? when i told him i led him on for like 2 weeks.
8 - Do they make you cry sometimes? once.
9 - Do they make you go crazy sometimes? rarely/
10 - Have you ever thought you should leave them? yea.
11 - What changed your mind? care 2 much to leave him alone.
12 - Would you do anything for them? anything. i mean it
13 - DO you ever think theyre cheating on you? no.
14 - If so, why? i trust him.
15 - Have they ever cheated on you? i dnt think so.
16 - If so, whyd u take them back? even tho i dnt think he's cheated, im stuck on him.
17 - What things do they do that you dont approve of? nuthiin. he does the things i do.
18 - Can you picture being with them forever? being in my life forever. being together changes.
19 - Do they make you happy? jus thinkin bout him makes me smile
20 - Do you REALLY love them? yea.

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may sound like imma asshole but im koo once u get 2 no me - HALA AT CHA BOII o and 1 more thang dont leave me a message juz sayin passin by cuz if u gonna leave me a message u can at least talk den and who noes we might become friiendz.
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the only guy up on my special sum1 is me cuz i aint gay i just love myslef lol

A very gud friend of i mine i think 1 of the most best friends ive had in a while but she just isnt the 1 for me
the my sister-in-law lol she mad koo though n she calls me mr.nipple peircing for sum odd reason...i dont even got a nipple ring but anyways i dont mind wat she call me as long as we friends
this jasmin a gud friend of mines n yet we only talked afew times but i feel like i know her forever n we joke around n wat not like we known each other for the longest she like family already
wow karen n me once again...idk she just so great idk if i deserve to be with her...if i have the right to b wit her after how many times i hurt her...she just to great to fun n to loving to be with me she deserves a better guy i think sum times but she says im her right guy n thats wat all that counts... i love u...
this another gud friend of mine u may c a big pic wit a hol bunch of me in red black n white well she made it for me along time ago n its been up since, like my best friend even though i havnt heard frum her inna while
this is 1 of my first friends on imvu n still is a gud friend of mine today she dont come on imvu much so we b talkin yahoo alot but i known her the longest i think of all my friends i still have today got nuttin but love 4 her
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