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When the world turns its back on you, all you have is yourself...
This is Shini. He's hilarious xD and very intelligant, always fun to have conversations with ^^ Him and Rifa are so freakin' adorable XO!!!!!!!!! So do anything to hurt their relationship or hurt Shini and I'll rip your spleen out D

this is Nellie! She's amazing XDD She has the most amazing riddles not to mention she's always a great person to talk to .3. x3 she's incredibly amazing and my sister XD She is a really sweet girl =D. If i hear you hurt her, i'll hunt you down and light you on fire D

What can i not say? This girl is simply amazing XD she is totally kind and caring and she's always been there when i needed a helping hand. Rifa is my sister from another mister and an amazing RPer :3 she's also INCREDIBLY sweet and always there for her friends! Not to mention her and Shini are flippin' adorable XD I'll always be there for her ^^ she always has the best intentions in mind! She's my sister too :D If you hurt her, i swear I'll kill you D
lmao, I love rping with you! You're an amazing friend to have and if anyone hurts you, just tell your guardian Lulu ;D! =3
XDDD my lesbian lover XDDD Riku is hilarious and always makes me laugh as hard as possible XDD he's a sweet guy but don't get him mad! You do and he'll kick your ass XD He's amazing, he mean's alot to me, so no hurting him or i'mma bring the garden shears to your family jewels D
Hehe, my yaoi buddy FTW! XDD She likes being a guy sometimes too o~o best Hikaru i've ever seen XDD She always makes me laugh and not to mention she's an amazing girl :D TURKEYVEXEN! XDD Hurt her and I will sick a child preditor after you D
LOL! Thats all i can say XD jk, you're my awesome buddy in RL too =D hehe "omfgishewearingpants?!" you're an awesome Kadaj even if you are a chick in RL lmao
pshhh, MIZU-KUN! My amazing sister! Mizuki, you crazy Vampire hunter you, always spending my credits XD I've got you're back and you've got mine =] "Lolz @ his hawtpink pants" XD insider!
This is G! She is amazing, funny, smart, everything XD and she's also a cosplay master :3 G always makes me laugh, not to mention she's a great person. Did I mention a Cosplay and RPG master? XD Hurt her and I'll shank you in the eye D
This is Itakun! He is not A rpg master, he is THE rpg master XD An amazing roleplayer and an even more amazing person, he is very intelligant and I look up to him muchly ^^ He is also funny xD so no hurting him, or i'll keel you D
this guy means so much to me ^~^ He's always managed to be there for me, through thick and thin and he always has my back. He's caring, sweet and kind and I care about him alot =] so, you hurt him and I'mma kill you D
This girl is amazing XDD BG, SEXYYY THEMESONGGG AND SEXYYTIMEEDANCING XDDDD Me, her and Nellie are the sexytime dancers of the KH room XDD Bg means so much to me, I can always talk to her and she is always there with encouraging words or hyperness XD Thanks Bg for everything! She really is a big perv but thats what makes her fucking amazing. She's hilarious, I can never NOT laugh when we're talking because she always knows how to make everyone smile ^^ Hurt her and I'll give you a one way ticket to hell with a face full of bullets and a foot up the anus D

'This is Dirge XD He's a really sweet guy and kind too, not to mention he's funny ^~^ He's been there for me a lot so he means a lot to me :P meaning, you hurt him and i'll rip your organs out and make you eat them ^^

.>'>This is Vinny. He's my brother o3o and he's amazing xD sure, he has a bit of a temper but that just makes him...well, him! He's incredibly nice if you get on his good list and he means a lot to me :3 Hurt him and I'll make you swallow your own genetalia >.>

3'>Tis Luna! She's so Adorable x3 she makes Shady's Adorable meter malfunction x3x she's a sweetheart; incredibly nice and she means a lot to me as well. So that mean you hurt her and I'll kill you, kthnx >3

dante and trish
Daftar Keinginanku
M| Pink Cat Eyes*L™ Wyked Nights Boots*T BatGirl Boots BlueHot Pink Lipstick (Julia*T BatGirl Mask Blue
*T BatGirl Outfit Blue*T BatGirl Gloves Blue[SL] Lolita gloves*L™ iFeline | Violet*L™ Losing Pants A
*L™ Losing Top*L™ Narcose | Custom*L™ Grimm Wedding Gown*L™ Perish | Top*L™ Patricia | Platinum
*L™ Lolli | Black*L™ Vinyl Ram Horns*L™ Color Splash*L™ Zombie Bite Victimspacer
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