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Avatar sejak: 2006-12-27
Age: 55
Terakhir masuk:

"Welcome to the Darkside!"

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Hi there y'all! Welcome to my page and i hope y'all enjoy your visit.I won't be online as much as i would like to be, due to illness. I have Multiple Sclorosis, now a 8 year battle that i am determined to beat! Recently I was diagnosed with breast cancer and numerous health problems that i know I can and will overcome positively! I try to be online as much as i can during my spare time, as i have 4 very loving but demanding children whom which i adore and devote every precious moment i have with them, aIso thier father and my partner for 18 years now! I enjoy chatting with like minded people that love the gift of life, family,good friends and good times! If i happen to miss chatting with you, please do leave me a message, i will do my best to get back to you ASAP! so my apologies if I have not left you a message yet but I will eventually get to you. Looking forward to chatting with y'all! ~Take care, be safe and have good times,..take the plunge and cross over to the Darkside!~
Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
Mencari: Pertemanan
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my, love, Friends, all, of, Art, music, animals, australia, beach, Star, CARS, Children, taurus, Comedy, History, ancient, mountains, WRITTING, Gardening, types, FOUR, gazing, a good laugh
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My Special Someone is Rondavou! We have been together for 18 years and have 4 beautiful children.
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tiger caravanOG/BubbleBoxGold[AG] Stunt crazy cars[AS1] Villa Ravishment[IR] sail of paradise
[AS1] MF-Butterfly[AS1] Tornado Castle[IR]dragon hometown[ACS] LINER: QUEEN MARY[ACS] SUNSET PALACE
OG/PlushPoseChairTiger[AS1]Colorful Antarcticaclub tropical pool bar[AS1] Idyllic VillaStreet Racing!
Irish Pub - FurniturePod[AS1] Vitalize Walls[ACS] MASTER HELICOPTERspacerspacer
Orang Baru Yang Menarik
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics
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friendly Teman 38
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kharma Hadiah 14
generosity kedermawanan 21

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