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Avatar since: 21/05/2007

Age: 32
United States - MA
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if you got ps3 my name is bens712
Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
Mencari: Pertemanan
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!T Suigetsu eyes [M]!T Gaara emo top!T Gaara emo bottom!T Suigetsu emo hair!T Uchiha ninja v2 [M]
!T Pein emo top/!/ Blind Rain[E] HOLY BATZ![G]BiohazardBondagePantsBlack Jacket
Red Bondage Pants/!/ Starter Scene B/w/!/ KATSUTO Snow & Coal[Kei] LSP Jacket+TopSaggin@%~Techno~
emo(Aiji)PunkyHeart[H] Dark Assassin Coatspacerspacer
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What Ninja Class Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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bens617 tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.

You are a Romantic Seme!
A true romantic, you're safest sticking with a partner who is gentle and can appreciate your mature, loving ways and protective nature. Most often found with a handful of roses and wine, you are committed to your partner and their happiness, which makes you a perfect match for the Innocent Uke, who you will dedicate yourself to and lavish with gifts and attention.

Most compatible with: Innocent Uke, Clueless Uke
Least compatible with: Badass Uke, Dramatic Uke

What seme or uke are you? Take the experience at, or find merchandise here. rosario vampire Pictures, Images and Photos Moka (Rosario   Vampire) Pictures, Images and Photos Mizore Pictures, Images and Photos

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