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i like to look preety and sexy.

[69S] TASTESexy Tonned Guru GuruELVEN October[M] 80 Doll  Dress Lolarose kimono tops
[Bottom]rose kimonoSkirt[LD] Sweet Black Nadina[SH] Green Female PoserPale Pink Hair Bow[LD] Mono:LINE Pumps
ELVEN Neon City69 Chic Sexy -White RedStretch Denim - BlackELVEN Dark Siren5 Anime Poses
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Avatar sejak: 2006-07-27
Umur: 44
Terakhir masuk:

"shy, sexy, sensitive"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

I join here for have fun and to have more friends that i never meet before.So let us join together to have more funs.About myself, im funny person and im happy go lucky girl .I join here not only for boys and I really hope girl also can add me.. important is finding truthly friend and try have big happy family in here..Got man out there, is belong for me??


My D.O.B: 27 January 1981

Im Cute Fairy Tale

here is link for free spin, try luck here!!Click here
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Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Friendship
Hai guys.. i dont like my homepage look mess... so i put all my friends pictures like this. lolz


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Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

DominicSava Catalog TheRainKing's Catalog

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.usGenerate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

friendly Friends 21
visitors Visitors 1425
kharma Gifts 14
generosity Generosity 24

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thanks guyz for visiting my homepage.. i will visit ur homepage soon..

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hey friends and visitors ... plss mark where you guyz from and dont forget put your avatar pic... oo(^^,)oo , i asking because after few days , you guyz will automatic remove from my visitor list and i already can't see who come visit my homepage. Just take a second to fill up. thx guyz .. love u all~~

~My HoBbiEs~

I like playing online games.

RanOnline, o2Jam, MapleSea, PangyaSea, Ragnarok

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This my list song that i like so much to heard it.So hope u guyz enjoy it.

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babyreena has no special someone.
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