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Avatar sejak: 2006-11-20
Umur: 36
Amerika Serikat - OH
Terakhir masuk:

"Wash away the bad ...To make room for more"

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Orang Baru Yang Menarik
Name:Allison B.
Date of Birth:October 18
Current Location:Toledo (NOOOOOO)
Eye Color:brown
Hair Color:brown
Band/Singer:Green Day-Panic at the Disco-Gorillaz
Song:Phantom of the Opera
Movie:Phantom of the Opera
Disney Movie:Beauty and the Beast
TV show:I don't watch the boob tube
Food:cereal-oatmeal-anyhting easy to cook
Pizza topping:ummmm...Peppers...sure i'll
Ice-Cream Flavor:Mint chocolate chip
Drink (alcoholic):Wine
Soda:Dr.Pepper (it's 2 ingrediants away from anti freeze)(tasty)
Clothing Brand:Energie
Shoe Brand:none
Season:Fall or Winter
Make-Up Item:Mascara
Board game:Scrabble
This or That
Sunny or rainy:rainy
Chocolate or vanilla:vanilla
Fruit or veggie:veggie
Night or day:night (it's easier to seduce people ...hehehe)
Sour or sweet:Sour
Love or money:money so i can get outta my apartment ..love after that
Phone or in person:Phone
Looks or personality:Personality
Coffee or tea:both r AWESOME
Hot or cold:both
Goal for this year:Get out of my apartment and be in 2 more plays
Most missed memory:When I was a care free child
Best physical feature:Eyes + body
First thought waking up:Shit......5 more miutes....get ze hell off your ass
Hypothetical personality disorder:Shyness
Preferred type of plastic surgery:I haven't had plastic surgery (nor want it )
Sesame street alter ego:none
Fairytale alter ego:Rapunzel ...I dunno why but she's my favorite fairytale
Most stupid remark:Monkies
Worst crime:Sneaking out of bed as a child + Skipping school
Greatest ambition:
Greatest fear:none really ghosts freak me out sumtimes
Darkest secret:...I ....Like....mispelled monkies...(I don't have any )
Favorite subject:writing-geography
Strangest received gift:A purse that was in the shape of a shoe
Worst habit:biting nails i guess i don't really do it that often
Do You:
Curse:Hellz no i don't curse what kinda mother fucking bitch u think i'm
Shower daily:Yepperz
Like thunderstorms:Hell yeah
Dance in the rain:I want to but my neighbors would call the cops *T.T*
Sing:Of ocurse singing is the best thing ever
Play an instrument:yep piano , guitar ,and the flute
Get along with your parents:Nope
Wish on stars:No in order to make dreams come true u gotta get off ur ass and do it yourself
Believe in fate:
Believe in love at first sight:yes
Can You:
Sew:yes (but ihate it)
Speak another language:yep Spanish sum French and im learning German
Sing:yes of course
Touch your nose with your tongue:hold on let me check.....nope
Curl your tongue:I can do many things with my tongue ..hehe (perverted humor)
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk:unfortunately
Been Stoned/High:no
Eaten Sushi:yeah
Been in Love:i've had affairs but I don't think i really loved em'
Skipped school:yes *T.T*
Made prank calls:yes
Sent someone a love letter:maybe
Stolen something:I stole bubble gum when i was four( but it was ok cause the aliens told me to do it)
Cried yourself to sleep:yep
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person?When they are full of themselves or r super gangsta
Are you right or left handed?right
What is your bedtime?whenever
Name three things you can't live without:food water PHANTOM OF THE OPERA
What is the color of your room?
Do you have any siblings?2 younger brothers
Do you have any pets?I used to have a dog
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?No cause then i would go to jail and have the money taken away from me
What is you middle name?Hiet.....It was my grandma's last name so don't laugh at me
What are you nicknames?AB3 ...Allie...Christine....or Kiki (don't ask)
Are you for or against gay marriage?For if people love eachother enough then they can get married
What are your thoughts on abortion?Ummmm well sry to be rude but ...IF U GOD DAMN SLUTS DON'T WANT A KID THEN USE A FUCKING CONDOM or pills or just stop fucking ...sry some things just piss me off
Do you have a crush on anyone?yes
Are you afraid of the dark?Nope
How do you want to die?Painfully ,Arsenic,sleep
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day?3
Would you take a bullet for the one you love?yep
What is the last law you’ve broken?none
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color:Brown or black
Eye color:green
Heighttaller than me
Weightsomething below 70000 pounds
Most important physical feature:um eyes maybe
Biggest turn-offRude,Dumb,Cheats,Or hits me
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What I want in a man
Body Features
eyes Green
chest any muscular prefered
face i dunno manly ?
hair black/brown or any
Age 18-35
Personality romantic funny ACTS LIKE THEMSELVE
interests any
~ acess pass
~ the initative to ask me out on dates online by leaving me a message on my hp INSTEAD OF JUST RANDOMLY IMing ME !
~ blah
~ blah
~ oh and it would be nice if he was a gentleman and not some dumbass who says lol at every word i say

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