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Avatar sejak: 2006-12-16
Umur: 36
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"some guys just cant hold their arsenic..."

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Hello All! Thanks for visiting my page! I am a switch! But just for the sake of being informative I am much more sub than domme! This wont nessecarily mean Ill just cyber with you! Only special people get playtime! I do real life commands! I dont do roleplay coz after the 50th one it starts to get boring! I always like making new friends! But Id prefer if u left me a message instead of just adding me! I dont add anyone without talking to them first! And if your invite times out its nothing personal!! Im either busy or not at the comp so feel free to leave me a message and Ill get back to you! And gifts always help! lol! just kidding! Well Ill hopefully talk to you soon! Cya xxx
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