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In and out at random like the hermit that I am. Hey you try lifting up this heavy stone door to peek out at the world! I might come out more if bribed with coffee...
Welcome to my little paint box. Please leave a message if you aren't too anti-social and I will get back to you as soon as I can or want to >;}
I do not accept random friends requests as I like to get to know the person before I call them friend.
May you have an inspiring day filled with random colorful moments.
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.
Salvador Dali
I am an old soul with a mentally challenged artist brain or, if you prefer, the brain of an eight year old who still believes she can fly. My inner muse is a clown that is constantly breathing in her own fumes and thus tends to be random in her humor.
I am thought of as being light and bubbly, but when you get to know me you realize I have quite a few grease stains in that bubble. I have a dark and sometimes mean nature to me that I love to put into my writings. I suppose it's because I didn't have a white picket fence as a child and instead had no fence at all so I could better view the world outside my front yard.
There's nothing special about me besides the fact that I'm especially good at being me. So don't try and be me, you'll fail. I don't know why that is, but for some reason I'm the only one truly good at pretending to be me. If I were to say something was special about me then it would be that I created life! Yes real life! I made it. I call it my son or Monkey or by the name I gave him at his creation moment. And he is cute and smart and very talented, oh and all mine.
So I guess I am kinda special after all.
I think that if you shake the tree, you ought to be around when the fruit falls to pick it up.
Mary Cassatt
My main special someone:
My son and the best kid in the whole world, well at least to me. My sweet charmer and the treasure of my heart. Nothing compares to the joy he brings to my day and no one could ever smile like his sunny grin. I love my boy.
JJPearl My mother and role-model. If I can be even a tiny bit like her I would be a great person indeed. She is my ideal to strive for.
SBaldrick My brother in heart and sound voice in needed moments. He is my fellow hermit that encourages me and listens to my lunacy.
Spleetastic1 The strong understanding comfort that I dare to compare to my sister Della. She has made me feel less alone and very needed.
Reason My strong and talented friend. Dear to my heart and living on always in my memories. There are not many in the world quite like her.
Meliadul Now this is someone who has one of those dark sense of humors you can't help but laugh and admire for. I always get a kick out of what comes out of her mind.
micronjan The sweet dear lady that is a rare pearl amongst diamonds. Her shine is unique as her brilliant kind personality.
Mastophora The darker shade I rather enjoy and am so drawn too. She is a wise and rare comfort in trying times and a sound voice of reason.
lToxl Sweet, sweet playful Tox, I will never forget the fun we have nor the uniqueness of you.
LexiLeopardGoddess My cat crazy friend with a voice that can bellow out tunes as well as any siren.
TinkyApTudor The southern belle who always has good tips and ideas that have helped so much!
AmbieF This is one amazingly well organized and intelligent woman who is just chock full of great ideas. Glad I met her, she makes our conversations fun and interesting.
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
Audrey Hepburn
The tongue like a sharp knife... Kills without drawing blood.