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Avatar sejak: 2007-05-12
Age: 33
Amerika Serikat - WA
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"Slave boy and hatin\' it..."

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Hullo everyone! I see you've found my pleasant little corner of the interweb, thanks for stopping by! =) I warn you though, I'm a shy guy, not too socially outgoing... That, and I have a... master of sorts, and not a very nice one at that, so be careful of him, kay? Most of the time I'll be here talking with him, but if that monster isn't torturing me, I'll probably be with my boy, Damien. He's nice to me XD If any of you all want to talk, leave me a message or IM me! It'll be nice to talk to someone who doesn't call me "Slave boy" every time he addresses me... *thumbs up*

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