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Avatar sejak: 2006-08-03
Umur: 46
Terakhir masuk:

"Hi there... I'm from Germany, and U ?"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Do you know imood.com ?
This small link shows my actual mood, set at imood.com :

The current mood of marcuswerthmann@web.de at www.imood.com

I guess, you know ICQ...
I've got few Accounts at ICQ...
You should know these :
Triple-T himself
FlirtBoy Bochum

My HomePages and NickPages :

http://www.Triple-T.de.vu - ...my main HomePage... - It's not complete and not up to date... - ...but it's mine... ;-)
http://www.dugg.de/nickpage/1964383_Triple-T - ...Nickpage at a cool german Site to make friends and stay in contact with them... :-)

Communities i'm in :

http://www.stayfriends.de - ...german Site to find and stay in contact with old friends out of school... :-)
http://www.icq.com - Who doesn't know ICQ ?
http://www.knuddels.de - ...cool german Community with the ability to have Blinddates... *twinkle*
http://www.imood.com - ...cool Page, where you can set your mood to make it visible to all people in the Internet, like i did above... ;-)

Pages about my Church and our Jouth :

http://www.nak.org - New Apostolic Church International - german HomePage
http://www.jugend-en.de - Youth of the New Apostolic Church in the Area of EN and some Parishes around in NRW, Germany

Here's an online-list for http://www.misshomepage.de :
My Wish List
Blunted TeethCarmel Natural-look v.1d3 Skintight Pants[A] Kiss on fireHealing Well
EmeraldCityForestSwingNavi hammock bedForest bedMagic Forest BedL0NT0NK/forest-01
+Tox+ Forest Hanging bed.Oculus.Halo. [Feral]DW1 Anyskin Elf Ears[Sx]M Skin NY `Tan Promomedieval leather vest
My Rankings
friendly Friends 5
visitors Visitors 97
kharma Gifts 6
generosity Generosity 1

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