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Avatar sejak: 2005-11-07
Umur: 30
Kerajaan Inggris
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"There is no spoon"

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'There is no spoon'

About my tagline: It's a quote from The Matrix, and as close as I can get to summing up my philosophy in under 30 characters. The exact quote is:

Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Boy: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

Here's something else that depicts human nature perfectly:

The manager and a guard are standing outside of a door that is marked 'DO NOT OPEN' and is heavily barred.
Manger: Open it
Guard: But it says 'DO NOT OPEN'...why do you want to open it?
Manager: To find out why they wanted it closed

Me, in a word: Random

I love to read. My favorite genres include fantasy, philosophy, and spirituality. I also enjoy poetry, classic literature, Michael Crichton-style thrillers, and a little fantasy.

I'm intensely curious about life, the universe and everything. I am equal parts rational/skeptical and spiritual/mystical, as paradoxical as that sounds. I I'm interested in paranormal and metaphysical/spiritual stuff. I love reading about near-death and out-of-body experiences. I've been dabbling with remote viewing, enough to satisfy myself that it really works. Try it yourself. All of which makes me conclude that Mind can operate outside the brain -- at the very least -- and may in fact not require a brain at all, except as a kind of temporary attachment-point to bodies.

I have disdain for most authority, be it scientific, religious, political, or cultural. I think we're better off without relying on "experts" telling us what to do or think. I am anti-Imperialist, anti-consumerist, and basically anti-George W Bush.

Favorite things: Cats. Synchronicity. Orange juice. The number 6. Lucid dreams. Reading a good book in bed while a storm rages outside. Shakespearian speech.
La petite mort.

Oh yeah, and I have small - and probably destined to stay that way - roleplay which you can find here - (well, here actually)

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"An intellectual is someone who has discovered something more interesting to think about than sex" - Aldous Huxley
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