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Hey everyone! Welcome to my homepage. I hope this helps you learn a little more about me! ♥

Name: Just call me Angel.

Age: It's a secret! *Whispers* It's over 9,000!

Likes: Desserts, friends, kind people, stars, the moon, space, Mystic Messenger, anime, Persona 5, games, roleplaying, and music.

Dislikes: Trolls, mean people, people who are overly perverted to the point it's disgusting, certain types of meat, the color yellow, peanuts, realistic gore, scary things, people who do jump scares, mosquitoes, my ex.

For special, I'm going to put my bffs! My bffs are my papa, Danni, Alexis, Dallin, and Brenna! I love you all so very very much! You each hold a spot in my heart and I don't know how I'd exist without you all!

~I am not sure what you put for support, but I'll put what I think.~

I want to thank my family, on IMVU and in real life, my friends, and my dogs. Last year was a very bad year for me, due to "someone." I don't know how I even got through that relationship alive. That person made me very sad, while knowing they were doing so. My real and IMVU family, and my real and IMVU friends and my dog were all there for me and made me realize I shouldn't be involved with that person. Because of everyone who helped me, I'm still alive and kicking!! I'm getting much stronger than I was, and I'm very happy. If YOU are reading this ((you know who you are)), I hope you never contact me again. If you think you can ruin my happiness with a message, or anything, you are wrong. I am doing so good, I feel like I can overcome anything now that I left you. You are such a pitiful person, I almost feel bad for you. Thank you for showing me how a boyfriend SHOULD treat his s/o ((definitely not how you treated me)). :)
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