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Avatar sejak: 2006-02-04
Age: 37
Amerika Serikat
Terakhir masuk:

""I was Born This Way Baby""

Lihat Album Saya (1)

ABOuT ME!!!!!
My Favorite Color is PINK!!!
Shopping is my favorite hobby in the world other than modeling!
I was born in New York but moved to Hawaii when i was Three, but i am currently in New York for College.
I love Fashions and clothes!!! AND MAKEUP!!!
I am currently at college.
I may flirt a lot but that doesn't make me a slut.
I am very outgoing and i love to party and go to all the clubs!!!
I am not the best developer but i don't care i just have fun with it.
I love swimming, and singing and hanging with my friends and sistas!!!!
I love mah sistas, JewelsMcCnapp and HannahMcCnapp, Check them out.
I stay fit, i dance, model, and im skinny but not anorexic looking thats gross, and i love staying in shape. I am sorta tall also.
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Hey Everyone Im Taylor these are some stickers of me and my friends or sister!!


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this layout is from whateverlife.com!
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