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Avatar sejak: 2007-10-16
Umur: 36
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"It\'s a redhead thing."

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Status Hubungan: Lajang
Stuff about me......

So... First of all, a big hello to whoever is bored enough to be reading this :3!! (Personally I think you're kewl ;p but... yeah...). Well.. Moving on - I was supposed to write a little sumething about myself... So where to start!? I'm 23 years old and live in Denmark.. (tiny, tiny country just above Germany.. We're only 5.5 million people yet we insist on upholding the viking tradition of thinking we're much stronger than everyone else : [... and ofc drinking a lot... Meeehh, It's a happy county! ) I'm somewhere around 1.65cm tall (5.4?).. ye it ain't much I know, but there are certain advantages to being small ^-^... I've got bronze red hair (infact my whole family does) and green/gray eyes.. (Like a Heineken beer I've been told O.o). I'm a passionate fencer (that's the funny sport with the tight white costumes and the little thin swords) and I'm pretty ok at drawing - speaking of which, I love anime and manga <3 I also read a hell of a lot of books, and it doesn't hurt that I work part-time in a bookshop so I can get a 40% discount on everything. I mainly read fantasy and SF... Why read about something you can experience in your day to day life or read about in the paper, I ask???! I enjoy playing any type of games - I'm a very competitive person. I play computer games (mostly mmorpg's - I've played quite a few of them). Most of my friends are male because I just can't stand the whole girly girly "who did what to who" and the constant changing of alliances within a group of girls.... Sometimes it seems like all they do is argue and hate eachother, make friends again and then start over. You should be able to argue within a friendship, but some girls can just take it to a degree where it just gets absolutely rediculous... On the bright side most of them grow out of it when they leave puberty ^^ And some of them never grow into it at all

In regards to personality I guess I can be your typical redhead at times.. I have a hot temper so BEWARE !! D:< !! Hehe mostly kidding on that one :) I'm usually sweet as a lamb (or whatever you call it). I hate gossip so I try never to do it myself. The ability to forgive, humor, empathy and kindness are the things I treasure most in a relationship ( be it friendship or love). I hate cheaters and backstabbers... I'm not shy, but I have a very bad habit of sometimes waiting for people to come to me instead of the other way around. I'm told that I'm very smart, at least I know that I'm an pretty fast learner and that my motor skills (my ability to use/move my body) are very refined. I've always done good in school with minimal effort... yeah I can be a lazy bum and it's kindda unfair that it still works out :p.
When I fall in love it happens suddenly... And it's never been like "love at first sight" but more like something that sneaks up on me from a mile away and bites me in the ass! Thus I've usually known the people I fall in love with for a while... But with that in mind I've never held back from starting something with someone I like, because if it's meant to be I know love will come and hit me with a baseball bat (just to get my attention :p) at some point... I mean lets face it, not all relationships are gonna be between soulmates who'll love each other until the end of time, but one of them might be and therefore there's no reason not to greet what the future throws at you. You'll laugh, you'll smile, you'll kiss, you'll love, you'll burn, you'll cry, you'll hate.... It's all one big pakedge (and in the immortal words of Forrest Gump: "life is like a box of chocolate")

Random Stuff about me:
I love sweets and especially cake
I like nice smells
I'm very silly (you'll just have to find out how yourself)
I have a tendency to listen to sad or very happy music
I love traveling
I like to just sit and enjoy nature - especially if I have a spectacular view
I love thunder and rain
I love the sound of rain on my window when I'm lying in my bed
I read about 2 books pr. month
My imagination is very very lively
9 out of 10 times I don't dream about anyone I know (And when I do it's about someone I really love)
I love sleeping
My favourite color is green
I luv hot drinks O-O (hot chocolate, tea ect)
Winter and autumn are my favourite seasons
I love fire - it's mesmerizes me
I'm not arrogant or "all that" but I know what I'm worth
I never ever allowed anyone to bully me
I sometimes do the redhead "changes her mood every 10 seconds"-thing (usually someone points it out and makes me laugh at myself)
I love romance
I love those times just before sex when both sides stop talking and let their eyes and body talk for them
I like being naughty
I've never been a girly girl

I guess if you've read all this and wanna know more, you'll just have to come find the rest out for yourself :3 I won't bite I promise ;)
If I left any spelling mistakes in all that.. well... then.... you're just gonna have to live with it! :3

Orang spesial
Sunlitshade tidak memiki seseorang yang spesial.
Daftar Keinginanku
*u3*Lison Black*u3*Warm Skin33*u3*Yokoyama Black*u3*060skin 16.m. Lady Hair Black
PanDoRa*Zebar&lace*blackSarah black{Kas} Belly Stars TattooLIZ- French nails[iza] Cat Ears black
[AS] S Tops Gothic v2Chic Black Glasses|T| Hands Over Heart *F*EH*Stripe & Jeans|BE|Spongebob Tee F.
[CAL] *Vital red*c| Plaid Hottie[tanktop] plain white[FC] outfit Black(Cc)Love Night*red*
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