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Avatar sejak: 2005-08-14
Age: 40 Terverifikasi umur 18+ Usia Terverifikasi
Amerika Serikat - MO
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"Aloha \'O Suki Blue, ko\'u inoa"

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Well let me see what can i say about myself....hmmm!? My favorite color is blue as you probably have already figured from lookin at my page and the name suki means Beloved in Japanese (Hints the name Suki BLUE duh!!!).One of my favorite movies is "Rock Horror Picture Show" I was introduced to it as a small child by my mummy who is addicted to it and what can I say...I have be doing the "Time Warp" ever Since! I love cartoons and kids shows from the 80's and 90's like "Kids inc.", "Power Rangers", "Strawberry Shortcake", and "Gummy Bears" !^_^! I guess because I like the nostalgia of it all.....I have a weird fetish for carebears...I just love them...If I could go back in time to when I was a spoiled little girl I would have asked my mom to buy me everyone...Oh yes!....Even the cousins people!....EVEN THE COUSINS@_@! I'm a addicted to many things! The sims2 is my ultimate addiction! It controls my mind sometimes so if you are talkin to me and I suddenly begin to talk in simish and I magically disappear.... well...you know what happened!^_^! Another one of my addictions is "Adult Swim" on cartoon network (I can't get any sleep with those damn cartoons taughting me in the midnight hour....they call to me ......Watch me...Watch me...... YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!!!! And I Obey@_@!!!!) As far as my other addictions...well...you will just have to ask me yourself about those (There are some I dare not speak of in public..."A girls gotta have her secrets doesn't she!^_^!?) And as for my interest and hobbies and what not....I'm interested in many things! You should ask me! Don't be scared....I don't bite (at least not all the time.... and even then its only when you want me to (WINK WINK)!^_~! Luv you much!^_^! ~*SukiBlue*~


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I absolutely love the discovery channels and TLC, National Geographic! One of my favorite show is "Taboo" and of course I love all the cartoon channels those are my bread and butter!^_^!I have way to many books to list....but one of my favorites is "God Don't Like Ugly" one of the first books that I just couldn't put down. I usually read a little come back in a couple of days and read a little more....I ran straight through that book! I spent a lot of nights looking like this !@_@! with a cup of green tea in my hand (LOL) and my nose it that book.AND THE TWILIGHT SERIES!!!! OMG THESE ARE THE BEST FRECKEN BOOKS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LITTERALLY COULDN'T PUT THEM DOWN. I WOULD FALL ASLEEP WITH ONE OF THEM IN MY HANDS EVERY NIGHT! As far as movies are concerned Just about any comedy. I love to laugh it's one of my favorite pastimes!^_^! OMG THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN NOT WAIT TO "NEW MOON" COMES OUT...HELL I CAN'T WAIT TO ALL OF THE BOOKS HAVE A MOVIE TO MATCH!!!!!! I'M SUCH A FRICKEN FANGIRL TWERD(twilight nerd!^_^!)...GO TEEM JACWARD!^_^!(CAUSE I LOVE THEM BOTH EQUALLY) Twilight-Graphics
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