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Avatar sejak: 2007-04-29
Umur: 34
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Well you can call me whatever you want.I could honnesty care less.But if you want to know,my real name is Cindy. I love anime...no duh!...i watch practicly anykind.For the moment i have a huge Bleach period =D It is so ubber!XD Im also a gamer.I LOVE GAMES!XD I play when i actually have the time.I also love music...takes the pain away.^-^ I listen to what i feel like listenning.If i can relate to the lyrics,i usually like it.Right now im totaly in love with the band Atreyu.THEY ARE SO UBBER!XD I WUV THEM!!XD HaHa...i have a lowself esteem of myself and im the shyest person you could ever meet.HAHA!On the net i say things and act away i would probably never do in person...unless im UBBER comfortable around you. Im also the most random an weirdest person you can ever meet.So many people tell me that and then they leave me LOL XD.But im use to be alone in the darkness...they have cookies there...O.o...i love cookies ^-^,As much as Gaara love his sand =D. My favorite animal is the dog....there so cute X3.My favorite colours are red,black and purple ^-^ There so evil =). Well if you want to talk to me...please leave me a message and i'll answer you ASAP =D.
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I love you Kevin,%u2665%u2665%u2665.You are the Spiderman to my Mary-Jane!%u2665%u2665%u2665
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