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Avatar sejak: 18/04/2008

Umur: 50
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don\'t judge me by my page come meet me and see who i am
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Chatting
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hello everyone , i make a wish list for a reminder when i see something cool in the catalog. But if you want feel free to buy something , thank you.
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friendly Teman 25
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emo girlmuahsweet words
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Orang spesial
i find someone who love me for who i am.
someone who care about me.
someone there to say i love you and show me how .
someone to make me smile every day .
someone to hold me tight when im sad.
in you i find the missing piece to complete me.
you are the only one for me and I love you .

pinkstorm25 She are the best friend that we can have in life. She are so sweet ,funny ,simple,sincere,generous,reliable She always here when his friend is needed . Well she are a wonderful person and friend .
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