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Avatar sejak: 2007-05-11
Umur: 30
Amerika Serikat - NE
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"Life\'s a rainbow. Taste it."

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Click the banner below to visit the homepage of holyofholy. I'm sure there you can find a link to his products.

Click the banner below to browse the products of Bandarsharma. Known for his famous VIP signs.

Take a break from the emo, goth world and browse the products of Skidlz. A new developer about to launch to the top!

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This person is one of my bestfriends in real life and was the person who introduced me to IMVU! It is because of her that many of you enjoy my many many stickers and my PURE GENIUS captioned homepage! Make sure you check out her page because that is where I got many of my ideas. She also gave me the idea for my Heylow line! And the idontknowat line. Obviously because that is her name. Oh, and the dude "Rainbow Design" sticker! Basically she is the cause of my IMVU experience. Drop by and thank her!
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The Orbit Night Club.
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