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Avatar sejak: 2006-12-05
Age: 35
Amerika Serikat - NC
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"My bodys broken, yours is bent. Every me. Every you."

Lihat Album Ku (2)

I hate you.

As high as Wu-Tang gets.

I really like unicorns.

myspace generators

Sometimes I Like Where I Live.

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Bonjour, my name is Saruh. There's alot I could say but, there's also alot I couldn't say. I live in a boring not very interesting place. I will not be living here for too much longer. I will find a place that's like my "goth candyland". Yes, you read it. Goth candyland. This is my "happy place". It's fun, crazy, & just I unno. Me basically. I like to smoke alot. I don't like reality. I'de rather be in forever means forever, magical fortress, not so much kiss a frog to find a prince, eat a poison apple & come back out of a coma, marry prince charming & life happily forever after land. I just want to be happy like everyone else. But, I don't want to be like everyone else. I'm fine being me. I like black alot alot, but i love bright colors except alot of yellow. I am in a pretty good place in my life. The best it can be for my shitty situation. I don't like alot of things in my life but the few things & people i love over power the 'don't likes'. Yeah so I sleep alot too. Sleep is a good way to not lose your mind. Ironically i dont really sleep much. I'm an insomniac. I'm bipolar & i have ocd. Also, i have anxiety/panic disorders. I have severe anger problems & i'm very impatiant.I take three different meds for everything. I have a good bit of internal physical things wrong with me as well, but we won't get into that. I've been on medication 4 or 5 years now & it has greatly helped. i don't really know what else to say. Let's move on shall we?. I love photography,image editing,cosmotology,& decorating. My life passion is writing. I write tons of poetry, everyone says I should post some in my blog but, I'm a little shy about my work. I also enjoy music but who doesn't? haha. I listen to all sorts of music but I really don't like country at all. I smoke & I drink from time to time. I bet you can't guess my favorite colors :p. Well now you know a little of my world. I doubt you will ever fully know it though, && sometimes that's a very good thing. Feel free to message or i.m me. I love meeting new people & i'm a good listener. So, I'm bored & burnt out. I'm going to write some more. Ah Goddess, I am really so bored. You know, actually you don't know if you don't know me,but, anyways I'm actually very nice. Unless you piss me off. :) Damn it assholes stop pissing me off. It's not good. Not good at all. HAHAHAHAHA. <3

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My Idols/Heros.

Melissa Etheridge.

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Janis Joplin.

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Jimi Hendrix.

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Bonnie Raitt.

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Aretha Franklin.

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Ava Gardner.

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Bands At The Top Are What I Listen To More Recently.

The Spill Canvas.

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The Elected.

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Death Cab For Cutie.

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Jack Johnson,

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Older Favorites.

Shiny Toy Guns.

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Kottonmouth Kings.

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Mindless Self Indulgence.

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Cobra Starship.

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The Birthday Massacre.

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|MTL|Dont Tease If.. !*O* Vamp Home EntertainmNzI Black Dark Set Goth*O*Goth Bat Medievil Sui*O*Classic Dark Romance
[GW] Nightingale[GW] GhoulieFriendPacchi Pantsspacerspacer
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