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Avatar sejak: 2006-08-02
Age: 33
Terakhir masuk:

"Be careful with that..."

Lihat Album Saya (1)

500 visitors. Things are going pretty much the same as always. New videos being uploaded occasionally. Screw the songs, it doesn't look like I'll get around to putting more stuff up any time soon. =P Yes, I am online occasionally, however, I'm usually in buddies only mode for the reason presented at the top of my messages window. If you would like to chat, just add me and it should appear in my requests list, at which point I'll most likely add you too. =)

I'm a budding developer. I've made a few stickers, and had one attempt at a texture. I do requests, although keep it simple, since I'm still working stuff out. Better yet, get someone else to do it. =3

I'm still waiting for anyone who could help me with my coding. =(

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