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Avatar sejak: 16/01/2007

Umur: 41
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Transperson. Deal with it.
Status Hubungan: Berpacaran
Mencari: Pertemanan

Please, Take note...

First, I'm a Transvestite/Crossdresser (M2F (see wiki in link)), If this is causing any problem... Just use the little red X in the corner of the page... you'll see it works pretty well. Also, I'm NOT into guys ! and NOT into Playing online. so please, do yourself a favor if you're a guy and want to "play"... Forget me.

About Me...

So this said, I can start for real. My goal of all this is to create the illusion... Not to sleep with some weirdo... I consider it like Art (you know, Art ain't always between "normal" borders :) ). I live in the Montreal region (Quebec, Canada) but sadly don't have much friends locally. I'm NOT looking for a mate nor any kind of sexual stuff here... I do have a girlfriend (A real girl) and we're engaged. She is super comprehensive and we both love each other alot. I'm considering myself very lucky to have a girlfriend like that since alot of Trans would kill for a GF like her. ^_^

Social Life

For my social life, I do enjoy to chat with friend over the net. I also am well known on some other online chat 'worlds' where I actually make a living. I am slowly considering doing a little come back on IMVU but expect nothing. I have a RL afterall and I'm rather the busy kind.


I am highly involved in the BDSM scene. I am a domme and I am not interested in taking any pet/sub/slave/boi/whatever. I have already much enough on my plate like that. Altho if you are interested in having discussion about this, I will be glad to answer you... and YES, I do have a RL petkitty.

Dev Life

I've wanted to dev some nice stuff but ended up doing mostly Trans-pride stuff. I'm planning to head for some sci-fi stuff related (I.e. Star wars, etc) and maybe some "naughty" stuff... but I have Tons of stuff to learn and not much time available. So, keep an eye on my page once in a while. I would also like to dev some stuff for since It's really useful for ppls with only frebits.


One last thing, If you happen to know me IRL or from my other profile (on here or any other website), please, don't spread it out... I'm still in the closet for most the persons and I'm not ready to get out yet to everybody. I Think that's mainly all... but guess what ? if you have a question, why don't you ask me with a private message ?? I'd enjoy answering it ^_^.

LIFE Update :

01/07/2013 - Wow, 5 years away... it's been a while. I've tiddied up my profile a bit. Removed some section that were.. too much. I'm trying to check back IMVU but... I don't know how much it'll last; a few days, weeks maybe? we shall see.

14/07/2008 - I've been cleaning up a bit my page. trying to get a bit back to IMVU... but it's pretty rough. I'm doing everything I can... I promise. :( and no I haven't forgot anybody... Btw, Buddy-list cleanup incoming... sorry but I just have too many people in my list and I just don't talk to them... :(

18/04/2008 - I just did rewrote the whole page text... hope you enjoy ! and I'll try to be much more active... but I have to split my life between IMVU, work, Girlfriend & online gaming... pretty hard... :) so don't be too angry if I'm not online everyday ! :)

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.:. tunnelsBlue Stripped Vest HoodyHeelsā™› Sk PaleLla Dress black
Black Lily Gownapple green hairSoft Silk Wedding Dress4[gr]wild green hair 2[BJ]Too Tight for You
Red Blk Anyskin Footpaws[NV]lGothlolitaB/W-SHOEsD: Glam in ParisLIZ exquisite laceLIZ Fur mini dress
ANN Fur Shrug BLACKReinaLove Leather7 Btmspacerspacerspacer
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