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What Fairy are you? (AWSOME pics +detailed answers)
You are a dream fairy! You are beautiful and delicate. Your dreams are many and your wishes are great. But you never do anything about them! Get up and start working for your dreams! You are most familar with little kids, as you are the one who makes there dreams. You are very kind but a little lost. Keep working! Take this quiz!
These are people who are trying to be cool by default, sort of like coolness vampires. Through association with moi, they leech the coolness off and feel better. ^_^ Aren't I so kind?
This is a goverment file tracking our every move. 0_0 Although I never got why the goverment would track our moves. It's not like most of us live exciting lives or anything. ^_^
Jangan lewatkan pengunjung yang datang untuk memeriksa kamu. Sebagai VIP, Kamu dapat memulai membuat koneksi berharga hari ini!
This is not a measure of how cool I am...this is a measure of how many people realize how totally cool I am. And you're slacking, people! ~_^ Hee hee hee...j/k. ^_^
Teman 19
Pengunjung 928
Hadiah 4
kedermawanan 7
Daftar Keinginanku
If you want to leave a gift, here are some suggestions. If you don't want to leave a gift, here are some cool ideas you may want to buy for yourself or someone else. :)