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Oh boy. Another about me. Well, my name's Daniel Jamesson. My motto in life is; Live to laugh, and I always act like that, i'm a cheerful, happy and honest kid. Jeesh I feel like such an egotripper right now. Oh well. It's better to have some self confidence than to be depressed right?;D Anyway, in my time at school i´ve learned its better to be antisocial, because apperantly you accomplish more in your life when you are. Bullshit. I just want the world to turn nice again. I love my friends. All of them, both irl as through msn. You guys really mean the world to me, and i'd be lying in a ditch somewhere if I would've never met any of u guys. I love my dogs. I love my parents.. Sorta. I love my sis... Nvm. Uh. Well. Bored again, ill finish this off tomorrow.
Yep. That's me. .__.'
Fuck off.
My Idols <3 ;;
Currently none. I´ve turned bitter. Thanks to the bullies at my school. I feel no need anymore to look up to anyone since i´m always looked down on.
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