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*Pilih produk atau musik untuk dikirim sebagai kado
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Catatan: Kado hanya dapat dibeli dengan credits.
Kosongkan daftar kado: Untuk menghapus barang yang ada di daftar kadomu dari menu produk hadiah silakan Klik di sini
"... to rain down on to my face." - The Tarka Groove Experiment
I'll cherish every moment. And not let a second go to waste.
Don't ask me for Credits because I honestly don't have any. I don't buy my own credits muchless make any from products (because no one buys.) Sorry... I only have promo credits that I get from the slots and looking at the New products page.
Don't classify people based on their music, their clothes, or their hair color. Classify them by their heart and their smile.
I am a brand spankin' new developer! Not a great one, I more than likely will make random things for myself. xD But in the meanwhile, it's improving me to be the next big thing... *Cough* By 2600 *Cough.* Enjoy!
I think I love you!
Simple and Clean.
Relationship Status: In a Relationship Looking For: Chatting
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