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Hi guys, I know, I took a really long break from INVU. thats why i got the lame thing going on with my page. I EDIT DP'S. Message me if you want examples or something <3. thats about it.

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Ummm hey im Raluca and yush im from Romania but now in usa and no im not a noob(At least i dont think so) |Likes|

There we go:

12/29/11: Im editing dp's again <3
Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah Blaah
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