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KIrim Pesan
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*Pilih produk atau musik untuk dikirim sebagai kado
Hadiahkan produk:
Pembungkus kado:
Catatan: Kado hanya dapat dibeli dengan credits.
Kosongkan daftar kado: Untuk menghapus barang yang ada di daftar kadomu dari menu produk hadiah silakan Klik di sini
Check out the cool people and developers listed here! I recommend Cassiopeia if you want to buy credits. I've bought from her since I began on IMVU and I've never had a problem.
This is the first banner I've made since I recently became a developer...I need to figure out how to put the little box in with the code for anyone who might want to put it on their page, but I don't know how yet *rolls eyes at self* :)