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Avatar since: 07/10/2007

Age: 69  Terverifikasi umur 18+ Age Verified
United States - CO
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Dream as if you'll live forever... live as if you'll die today
Relationship Status: Divorced
Looking For: Friendship
Well, Hello There and Welcome! Come on in and check out my homepage. As you can see, I'm a big fan of Hugh Laurie. I think he is a Hottie! I just love those eyes of his! I hope that while you are here, you'll enjoy the music and maybe leave a message before you go. I'm usually on IMVU late at night doing Peer Reviews or Designing. So in closing...Thanks for dropping by. Hope to see you again real soon. Until then......PEACE!
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[E]*Ripped Gloves*!P^ Heart Dark NecklaceDarkHeart :i: Earrings[SL]black long Eyelashes[AS] S Tops Gothic v2
-v- Marina Blue Heels 3[wwg] Shiny Rainbow*Jo* Pink Heart Chain!S!PinkFlowerBellbottoms{DG}Diamond Collar Choke
Rave eyes FHippy topPink Belly Diamonds^MQ^ FADE ^P^dolls76
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