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Avatar sejak: 2007-01-01
Umur: 45
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What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)

Exotic Dancer!
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What kind of Angel are you?

Angel of Love.
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You scored as Zendrielle, Demoness of Beauty and Deceit. You are Zendrielle, Demoness of Beauty and Deceit. You are a manipulative bitch and proud of it. You take great pride in your looks and become easily bored with your boy toys. You kill when you are bored, rather then just to satisfy a dark urge. You envy any women with an attractive man and will murder them to attain their partner. You are less murderous and psychotic then other demons, but none the less still deadly.

Zendrielle, Demoness of Beauty and Deceit


Bedegan, Demon of Stupidity and Stubborness


Dareigeo, Demon of Rage and Death


Sederiana, Demoness of Malice and Lust


Xeohelios, Demon of Cunning and Manipulaition


What Demon Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
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