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Avatar sejak: 2007-08-06
Terakhir masuk:

"Who has the key? ;)"

Lihat Album Saya (1)


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Chatting
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Hubungi saya
Jan is not using this account anymore. Thankyou. This is Lavender.
Those who want to chat with me, its better if you leave me a message. I am usually away,busy,afk or DND. Photobucket
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*Spoil me~* Puh...lease? ;)

Of Course...get me a name change token, I'll be yours only ;)
[MM]110 Bed+20Poses[KKS]*KISS-F (animation)(MSS) DirtyDance Spot!PH! Eilian Brown[IR] Blue Bay
(L) Pretty-n-Pink HeartsANN Ruched Halter WHITE{a}SatinOutfit MangoDainty Bare FeetCandle Table/10 Poses
(L) 13 Pose Romantic Apt10 POSE TABLE[ACS] 12 POSES KITCHEN[ADR76] Hug groundFond Embrace
Subjection[69S] MUSH *A*[69S] WIING[69S] PASSION[8O8] HOT GIRLZ
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