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Name: Priscilla (Pris)
Age: 22
Birthday: January, 1
Location: Tallahassee, Fl / Miami, FL
IMVU member since: 06/15/2007

Heya! I'm not really good at writing this kind of stuff so here it goes! My name is Priscilla im 22 years old I'm originally from Miami, Fl but now I live in Tallahassee, Fl for school. I'm Cuban/Puertorican decent (yes I speak Spanish). I'm currently studying graphic design and I love it! I love to make new friends, so please don't be shy to sent me a message or to invite me to chat. BUT please PLEASE, don't send me a friend request before talking to me because that's just creepy don't you think? I don't collect names on a list just to be there, I like to get to new people! :) I get this question plenty of times but NO I will not edit your avatar picture! I MIGHT only do it for a couple of certain people OR friends as I am busy at times and I don't have much free time.
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