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Welcome to my homepage, this page is mostly for Formalities. Since you have stumbled across this page i should forwarn you that this is a RP only page. I dont do Irl drama, and I dont do negativity. After said that enjoy stalking my page. ;)

I am a roleplay addict, and know how to get into certain characters seriously. Drama (unless its in rp), Hate, Slander, and discrimination are things i do not tolerate. I am a person of justice and i listen to both sides when there is a conflict in the midst. I dont judge anybody by their gender, their race, their accent, or even their demeanor. I enjoy people having fun and relaxing especially in the rooms i create. If you are kind to me i will be kind to you. and i do not answer messages that ask me to gift gifts in exchange for shout outs. I am a character that doesnt really get a second glance at. but i do make people feel like they are the main characters in the RPs and pretty much accept any story line that any person tries to throw in the rps we do together. i am not a professional rper but i do keep it interesting. The only thing that gets me upset in rp's is when the other person is just repeating the last rp sent by the last person but with their version of it, its half assed, and seems like they are forcing themselves to rp which is something i would never try to have someone do. if you dont want to do it just speak up. i dont get angry easily and my feelings will not be hurt at all no matter what choice you make. i can not read minds, and i cant read moods, if you dont say anything then i will not know. speak up.

Since this is an Rp Page then all my rp peers are my friends. :)

Please visit my shop, i dont just do Ouran i also do other products not related to Ouran.

thanks for the continued support from my haters, my friends, my followers, and everybody else. you guys give me motivation to stay strong, and be wise.

The host club is not down, it is still open just lacking host members. i am currently acting as all of them, i have a couple of people helping me, like with the twins i do have someone portraying one to help with customers needs and characteristics. there wont be many events happening due to being short staffed, but the host club is always open. thank you and hope to see you soon.
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