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I'm born at the year that Gabbers came, the year that made me to what I am.
I'm a Gabber in heart and soul something that will never be taken from me!.
I'm proud of what I am. And not like those who just go with the hype and thinking they are someone.
because they're not. To me they are a bunch of idiots without an own opinion.
Gabber that's what I am and that's what I will always be!!!
Hardcore the music of the Gabbers the music from Holland the place where I am born!
IMVU Gabberwear will probable be re-opened. if we will there will come an site with a subdomain at and that will be the IMVU Gabberwear's Main site for requests and all that stuff.
.: Currently 1 clothing line active :.
Status Hubungan: Sendiri Mencari: Obrolan
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