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Going to dev again Stuff Soon to Come

Personality I am the type of girl who loves to try new things, is adventurous, shy yet outgoing, and i have been told I have a great personality. My hobbies : Singing, dancing, writing stories and/ or poems, graphic design, going on Second Life & Imvu of course, and meeting new people.

People I Love Most


Soon to come

♥ Haters motivate me, Men adore me and let's just hear a message from you that you have a phrase for me. Don't just come and be a tourist on my page ( see the site and move on). I am not always able to chat 3D cus i may be busy but you can always try giving me an IM / MSG n maybe you'll get lucky.

Daftar Keinginanku
ICO Real Head I$Free Headß,Janie Head-J- Biel ash-J- Hatisha ash
-J- Candy black pearlSAL | FEMALE SKIN FH-01Short | BlackTwerk | TeamDress | Jaune  Bm
Dress | Barb'z Bm💋Mia Mesh HeadSAL | MESH HEAD 08 F DERVera / Mesh HeadSAL MESH HEAD 09 DER.
| Real face sizerDanceHall 3 - solo danceCream Flowers Shoesspacerspacer
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friendly Teman 39
visitors Pengunjung 2194
kharma Hadiah 72
generosity kedermawanan 241

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