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Avatar sejak: 2006-06-05
Age: 35
Amerika Serikat - IL
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Yay Dir En Grey!!!
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Fox TailRainbow Bikini TopRainbow Bikini BottomRainbow Spike BootsPure Black Eyes
Teahouse Furniture SceneBlack Lace StockingsLifeless HeadKnife in HeadMagic Carpet Ride
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. + : Music : + .

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Mewithoutyou, Lifehouse, Ludacris, A perfect circle, Tool, Korn, Disturbed, Rob Zombie, Slipknot, Nirvana, metallica, The verve, Tenacious D, Blink 182, Maryln Manson, Dem Franchise boyz, Chris Brown, Adema, ACDC, Akon, 50 Cent, AudioSlave, Avenged Sevenfold, Beethoven, Black Eyed Peas, Boys 2 Men, Cake, Butthole Surfers, Chester Bennington, Chicago, Coldplay, D4L, Daddy Yankee, Daft Punk, David Bowie, Dead Poetic, Destineys Child, Dido, Drowning Pool, Eisley, Emery, Eminem, Evanesence, Faith No More, Fall Out Boy, Fuel, Filter, Ginuwine, Guns N Roses, No Doubt, Hawthorne Heights, Hoobastank, Nickelback, Nightwish, Nine Inch Nails, Outkast, PANIC! At the disco, Pantera, Papa Roach, People In Planes, Peter Yorn, Saliva, Sanctus Real, Sash, Savage Garden, Seal, Sean Paul, Senses Fail, Shaggy, Shakira, SpecialPatrol, Sting & The Police, Styx, Switchfoot, System of a Down, T-Pain, Terry Jacks, The Chemical Brothers, The All-American Rejects, The Cranberries, The Darkness, The Killers, The Transplants, The White Stripes, The Who, TI, Tony Braxton, Train, Usher, Violent Femmes, Weezer, Led Zeppelin, Linkin Park, The Used, 311, Green Day, Dashboard Confessionals, U2, Taproot, Soundgarden, The Beatles, Frank Senatra, Yellow Card, Apocalyptica, Rage against the machine, Sublime, Evanesense, Dir en grey, And much more~
. + : Movies : + .

Road Trip, Alice in Wonderland, Batman, Batman Returns, Beetlejuice, Big Fish, The Cable Guy, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(Both), Final Destination 1,2,3, Corpse Bride, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands,Seems like heaven, Napoleon Dynamite, Fight Club, Finding Neverland, High Fidelity, James and the Giant Peach,Resident Evil 1,2, Monty Python Movies, Cake, X-Men 1,2, Joe Dirt, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Office Space, Pulp Fiction, Punch Drunk Love,Knox Movies, The Silence of the Lambs, Silent Hill, Sleepy Hollow, The Truman Show, Wallace & Grommit, Blue Collar, Daredevil, Queen of the Damned, Interview with a Vampire, Lord of the Rings(all), Matrix(all), 13th Warrior, Forrest Gump, From Hell, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, Gone in 60 seconds, I know what you did last summer, Spider Man 1,2, Tomb Raider 1,2, MMIB 1,2, The Cell, League of Extroidinary Gentlemen, Godzilla, The Exorsist, Dreamcatcher, Reign of Fire, Minority Report, A bugs life, Final Fantasy AC, The In-laws, Bruce Almighty, Star Wars(all), Scary Movie(all), Scream(all), Double Jeopardy, The Mummy(all), The Fifth Element, 6th Sense, True Lies, October Sky, Stigmata, Urban Legends, Mr. Bean(all), Gladiator, The Faculty, Fast and the Furious, Pirates and the Carrabean,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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